The 2 Week Challenge

I realized several weeks ago that my food habits were slipping and in danger of falling down completely into a giant tub of Breyer’s ice-cream! So I said to myself, I’ll just be bad for a few more days, and then I’ll start back on my locarbolicious diet afresh. Those few days dragged into 2 weeks! It’s just so hard to swim out of that gooey tub of ice-cream!

To celebrate my return to low carb, or rather “to punish myself for straying from the diet,” I’ve decided to embark on several 2 week diet challenges. I plan to try various low carb diets and examine their “effectiveness” and difficulty. First up will be the Atkins induction diet, and then there’ll be the paleo (caveman) diet, the South Beach Diet, and the raw food diet. There might be some other diets thrown into this experiment if I can deal with it. I have never been particularly good at keeping to diets, so this will be a serious test of my mental strength. Fingers crossed!

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