Low Carb Breakfast – Coconut Pancakes

Low Carb Coconut Pancakes
I’m actually more of a fan of the French crepes (which I once heard an American call “creeps”) rather than the thick pancakes that you’re used to finding at brunch and in diners, but they start to taste super good when you can’t eat cake or any other desserts! I’m sure the low carb diet would never have taken off if the wonders of coconuts hadn’t been discovered. We drink the milk, make cookies from the flesh, and now make pancakes from the flour! And these pancakes sure seem popular with low-carbers! I found an abundance of different recipes, but I thought this recipe from nourishingdays.com was pretty easy and tasted super good! I made a batch of 10 pancakes and stored them in the fridge – delicious for breakfast!
Ingredients (makes 10 small pancakes):
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 1 cup coconut milk (from the cans, not the cartons – make sure it doesn’t have added sugar and it isn’t the “light” stuff. Also shake the can before opening as the cream and the water separates.)
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract (make sure you buy a brand that has no added sugar)
- 3 drops of liquid sucralose or 1/2 teaspoon of Stevia
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon (sea)salt
- coconut oil or butter for cooking
- Beat the eggs; add in the coconut flour, coconut milk, vanilla, baking soda, salt, and sucralose/stevia. Mix well.
- To cook these pancakes, you can use a griddle, or if you don’t have one like me, you can just use a frying pan. Put some coconut oil or butter to grease the pan and put the pan on a low heat.
- Ladle some of the batter into the pan (to form a 3 inch diameter circle). The pancake should be thick so don’t try to make the batter spread out. If you’re using a large enough frying pan, you can cook 3 or 4 pancakes at the same time.
- Cook for 2 minutes and then flip. Continue cooking and flipping until both sides are brown.
- The pancakes are a bit dry by themselves, so have it with some butter or coconut oil or else some fruit.

Low Carb Coconut Pancakes Batter in Mixing Bowl and in Frying Pan
Nutritional Information
For one pancake: Calories = 151 Fat = 11g Carbohydrate = 9g (5g fiber, 0.4g sugar) Protein = 4g